Ways to Give
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, the Lupus Foundation of Southern California (LFSC) depends on your donations to help lupus patients in our community. Funds raised go to:
- Providing service and support to lupus patients as well as their family and friends.
- Educating the public and healthcare professionals about early diagnosis and treatment.
- Finding a cure!

Join us in making a difference this coming Tuesday, November 28th but contributing to the Lupus Foundation of Southern California. Your direct support matters! Why?
- Empowering Lives: Your donation directly empowers individuals affected by lupus, providing resources for education, support, and advocacy.
- Research Breakthroughs: Every cent helps to fuel advancements in lupus research which brings us closer to finding a cure and improving the quality of life for those with lupus.
- Community Impact: Your efforts strengthen our local lupus community by fostering awareness, understanding, and a network of support for those with lupus as well as their loved ones and caregivers.
There are many ways you can support the LFSC, both today and in years to come.
- General Donation – Make a donation in any amount to help support education, research, and advocacy. With a minimum donation of $35, you will become a member of the LFSC.
- In Memoriam – Make a donation in memory of a loved one and the LFSC will send a card acknowledging your thoughtful donation.
- In Honor – For someone that has everything, make a donation in their name and the LFSC will send a card of recognition to them.
- Employee Contribution – Consider payroll deductions or asking your employer if they match gifts. Donating through your workplace can be quick and easy.
- Bequest – One of the most thoughtful ways to ensure that lupus patients have hope for years to come is to remember the LFSC through legacy giving in your will.
- Sponsorship – We have fundraising events throughout the year with all levels of sponsorship opportunities.

For any questions about donation options, email [email protected], Call 858-278-2788 or Contact Us.